B1 Exam Preparation Centre

We aim to offer our B1 Exam Preparation Centre conveniently near to you. Check our list of towns and cities which are covered by our test preparation centre. If you wish you can fill in the contact form and tell us where you are located in advance of  your B1 Exam. We will then get back to you with the details and travel information for our preparation for B1 test centre. Also tell us the approximate date you wish to take your B1 exam and we can check out the best dates for you.

We can provide you with a practice run-through before you take the B1 test exam. We also provide helpful material and information when we confirm your  booking for our B1 exam preparation centre.

The B1 exam is ESOL entry level 3 it is an official Trinity College Exam GESE grade 5 which is approved by the UKBA for Settlement  or ILR or Naturalisation applications in the UK. This type of exam is now mandatory, apart from certain exemptions, for applications for British Citizenship, seeking permanent residence in the UK, or Naturalisation. This is in addition to the Life in the UK test.

The GESE grade 5 exam from Trinity College is a Speaking & Listening test at B1 level for ESOL (Speakers of Other Languages) . It consists of a 10 minute one-to-one interview with a Trinity College examiner at a B1 exam centre. You will get your result on the same day as you take your B1 exam and then your certificate is subsequently mailed out to you.

We offer B1 exam preparation regularly at a our ESOL centre which covers a number of  towns and cities – ask for details here today

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