B1 Speaking and Listening Test

The B1 speaking and listening test takes the form of a one-to-one interview with the examiner. The exam aims to replicate everyday real-life exchanges in which the candidate and the examiner converse, pass on information, share ideas and opinions and talk about topical issues.

The B1 test consists of the following:

  • greetings and setting at ease
  • Topic
  • Conversation
  • end of conversation and leave taking.

The B1 speaking and listening test requires all candidates to complete two tasks.

1.   Topic

Discussion of a prepared topic.The topic part of the test takes approximately 5 minutes.

The candidate is required to prepare a topic of his or her own choice.  The examiner directs the discussion using the points prepared by the candidate. Candidates should therefore prepare a topic for discussion. For example you could choose one of the following:

  1. Hobbies
  2. Holidays
  3. Career
  4. Home country

Communication Skills for B1 Test

The following skills are looked for by the examiner for the B1 test

  • Show understanding of the examiner by responding appropriately to questions.
  • Give information about the prepared topic in a series of linked long turns about the five discussion points on the Topic form.
  • Answer questions on the prepared topic, and participate in an informal discussion of the topic, during which the examiner will request more information, fact and details.
  • Respond to requests for clarification and give reasons for making particular statements.
  • Ask the examiner at least one question about the topic area.
  • Take the opportunity provided to use the language functions and language items listed below, where appropriate.Language Requirements

This applies to Part 1 – TOPIC and also to Part 2 – CONVERSATION

Language Functions

Language functions tested for B1 are:

  1. Talking about the future – informing and predicting
  2. Expressing preference
  3. Talking about events in the indefinite and recent past
  4. Giving reasons
  5. Stating the duration of events
  6. Quantifying


Grammar tested for B1 includes:

  1. Present perfect tense including use of for, since, ever, never, just
  2. Connecting clauses using because
  3. Will referring to the future for informing and predicting
  4. Adjectives and adverbials of quantity e.g. a lot (of), not very much, many
  5. Expressions of preference e.g. I prefer, I’d rather


Lexis tested for B1 includes:

  1. Vocabulary specific to the topic area
  2. Vocabulary specific to the subject areas
  3. Expressions relating to past and future time e.g. two days ago, in the future
  4. Phrases and expressions relating to the language functions listed above


Phonology tested for B1 includes:

  1. The correct pronunciation of vocabulary specific to the topic and subject areas
  2. The combination of weak forms and contractions e.g. I’ve been to…
  3. Avoidance of speech patterns of recitation

2.   Conversation

Then the examiner moves on to the Conversation phase, selecting two subject areas for  conversation and discussion from the list provided. This part of the B1 test takes approximately 5 minutes

The examiner selects 2 subject areas for discussion from the list below;

  1. Festivals
  2. Means of transport
  3. Special occasions e.g. birthdays, weddings
  4. Entertainment e.g. cinema, television 
  5. Music
  6. Recent personal experiences

Communication Skills

You, the candidate,  will be required to:

  • Show understanding of the examiner by responding appropriately to questions
  • Respond to requests for clarification and give reasons for making particular statements
  • Ask the examiner at least one question about the subject area

B1 Test Centres

The B1 Speaking and Listening Test is accepted by the Home Office for Settlement / Indefinite Leave to Remain and British Naturalisation applications.

To  find out more about the B1 Test at our “preparing for B1 test centre” please contact us

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