Example of a GESE Grade 5 / B1 Test in English – candidate Serafim

First watch this video of a sample GESE grade 5 exam / B1 test for speaking and listening. Then see the information below which tells you how the exam was marked, the grade obtained and the rationale behind this. This will help you prepare for your  own exam.

B1 Test/GESE Grade 5 –  Serafim         Result : Merit
Topic Phase                         Grade Awarded: B          Key areas: –

Serafim chooses to talk about computers for his topic and puts himself in danger  of producing too many lists of technical vocabulary, for example, the different versions of Microsoft Windows.

However, his contributions are generally effective,comprehensible and appropriate. He responds well to the examiner’s questions and asks some good questions when he is prompted by the examiner.

Serafim uses a good range of  the language functions and language items for this grade, mainly accurately and appropriately, although repeated attempts by the examiner to elicit the present perfect tense from him are unsuccessful. Pronunciation is clear throughout.

Conversation Phase         Grade Awarded: B          Key areas: –

The conversation on the subject area of ‘Music‘ tends to produce only short contributions from Serafim and he fails to exploit opportunities to use the present perfect with for or since. In discussing ‘Transport” however, Serafim’s contributions improve and he produces one of his longest and best-formed sentences, ‘I don’t drive because I’m too young to drive a car‘.

If Serafim had paid more attention to the language of the GESE Grade, he might have achieved a better result.. It is important to note how short answers and a failure to exploit the language of the grade can impact on a candidate’s assessment.

It is a good idea to watch the video again and spot how the above comments are arrived at. You can now get friends or family to help you prepare for your GESE grade 5 / B1 test by following a similar format to the interview in the video. We can also offer you some preliminary preparation on the day of your exam to set you at ease. When you are ready to book your exam please click on the location closest to where you live on this exam centres home page or contact us for more information. We will then do our best to help you.